Questions & Answers

1There is no chapter near me, what do I do?
Get in touch – we might be able to start a new chapter near you! Otherwise, you’re welcome to join our social channels where you can discuss the book with our global network and even join us for our Virtual Gloss meeting each month.
2Is this only for Women?
The Gloss is a community designed mainly for women and non-binary people. Men are not excluded and are welcome to attend our meetings if they feel a connection to The Gloss; however, we ask that all members who attend are respectful of the safe space our hosts have committed to fostering. The main objective for The Gloss is to create safe and welcoming communities that respect each and every attendee regardless of gender.
3How do we choose our books?

We read a lot. We work with the big and small publishers to identify the best new books out there and then we hold a global VOTE to decide which book will become this month’s title. Curating our book list is what we spend the most time on and we take this role very seriously.

“To be considered an official Gloss Title we prefer that it be the paperback version, however we do occasionally read hardcovers as our Official Gloss title.”

For publishers and authors looking to get in touch – please email us with any book suggestions you might have – we are always open to new authors and titles but please bear in mind the above criteria.

4Do we hold other events other than Book Club meeting?
Yes, some of our chapters hold many other events, including dinners, author events, high teas and adventurous expeditions. This helps cultivate engagement in our clubs and are up to the discretion of our hosts.
5How do I get involved?
Join our membership - this gives you access to an amazing array of Gloss Features including: Exclusive Gloss Tote, Access to all Local and Online Book Club meetings, Meet The Author, our Facebook groups and our Gloss monthly book votes.
6Want to review books for The Gloss?
If you visit our blog you’ll see we do a lot of book reviews – if you want more info on becoming a book reviewer for us please get in touch
7Do we support charities?
We are very interested in charities and wish we could support many worthwhile charities across the world. We choose one charity a year to support and as a result, we will maintain our focus in this area and are unable to back other causes.
8Is the Membership Monthly or Yearly?
The 55 dollar membership is for a year and starts from the day you buy it. It gives you access to all 12 meetings for the year, among other things.
9Do we only read English books?
Currently, yes. We’d love to read books in many languages but at this time we only support English speaking clubs.
1How often does The Gloss meet?
We meet once a month, usually the last week of the month but that can change depending on the month and public holidays.
2How many books do we read?
We read one book a month, although we sometimes host extra events with authors and that may require a secondary book.
3What do I need to do before book club?
It’s pretty straightforward – you just need to grab a copy of the book, it’s always available in paperback from your local book shop or library and read it before our meeting. You can download the monthly discussion questions beforehand if you want to be super prepared with some answers.
4What happens if I didn’t finish or read the book? Can I still attend?
Yes of course, we understand life gets in the way and you might not finish or even attempt the book of the month. But we would still encourage you to attend. Spoiler alert – you might find out the end of the book!
5How many people attend?
This depends on the city, we have anywhere from 5 to 70 women attend our meetings each month. It’s also a very seasonal business, September and January are our biggest meetings.
6What is a Newbie Induction?
Starting anything new can be scary, we appreciate that walking into a room full of strangers can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve rolled out Newbie Inductions across most of our chapters. Every few months your local chapter will host will arrive 30 minutes before the normally scheduled meeting to welcome all the new members so you can meet one another as well as your host and all of a sudden a room full of strangers isn’t so strange.
7How much will this cost me?
We have purposely kept our ticket prices low, as you’ll also have to purchase a copy of the book (although most of our books are available at the library) and a drink/food at the venue to support the use of their space.
8How do I save my favourite chapters?
To bookmark you favourite chapters, click on this icon on the chapter page..

To remove the bookmark, click it again.

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